Accessibility at Web Summit Rio

Updated September 9, 2024

Web Summit Rio is committed to making our events accessible and welcoming for everyone. This page will be updated with additional accessibility information as it becomes available. Please check back often.

How do I request accessibility adjustments?
Please fill out this form to make a request. Requests should be made as soon as you have secured your ticket to Web Summit Rio. Alternatively, you can contact the Web Summit Rio team at

I am a speaker or other invited guest of Web Summit Rio. How do I request accessibility accommodations?
Please reach out directly to the Web Summit Rio staff member who is assisting you.

What is the deadline for accessibility requests?
We may be unable to grant some requests that require the use of a third-party supplier, or if they are made after March 31, 2025. We will do our best to honour requests made after this deadline, however, services cannot be guaranteed.

Can my support companion accompany me to Web Summit Rio?
Attendees who require personal assistance during Web Summit Rio can request a companion pass. To request this pass, please contact the Web Summit Rio team using the accessibility requirements form or via email at

What services are not provided by Web Summit Rio?
Web Summit Rio does not provide:
– Devices that are personal or individually prescribed, such as wheelchairs, prescription eyeglasses or hearing aids.
– Services of a personal nature, such as assistance with eating, toileting or dressing, the pushing of wheelchairs, or the carrying of personal material.
– Connections to soundboards.
– Headphones, extension leads, chargers or adapters.
– Guides and sign language interpreters for evening or any third-party events.

Are service animals permitted at Web Summit Rio?
Web Summit Rio permits service animals that are trained specifically to assist a person with disabilities. Animals whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support are not permitted at Web Summit Rio.

A dedicated relief area for service animals will be available onsite. The location will be indicated on the venue map when published.

I am visually impaired. How can Web Summit Rio assist me with navigating printed materials?
Please feel free to ask a volunteer or member of staff to assist you with reading printed materials.
Alternatively, you can request a companion pass. To request this, please contact the Web Summit Rio team using the accessibility requirements form or via email at

Is session transcription available?
Transcription services are not available at Web Summit Rio.

Is there an audio description service available?
Audio description services are not available at Web Summit Rio.

Is there a closed captioning service available?
We will confirm availability of this service closer to the event. Please indicate your interest in this service via the accessibility requirements form as soon as you have secured your ticket to Web Summit Rio.

Is strobe lighting in use during Web Summit Rio?
Strobe-effect and flashing lights will be in use throughout Web Summit Rio.

Is there a designated area for wheelchairs at stages?
A designated area for wheelchairs is available at all Web Summit Rio stages. This is provided on a first come first served basis. Please ask a member of staff if you require any assistance.

What mobility devices are allowed at Web Summit Rio?
Wheelchairs, three- or four-wheel electric scooters, walkers, canes and crutches are allowed and are reasonably accommodated. For safety reasons, requests to use other power-driven mobility devices will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Does Web Summit Rio offer mobility device rental?
No mobility equipment rental of any kind is offered by Web Summit Rio, and Web Summit Rio does not provide push services for attendees. However, attendees who require the assistance of a personal attendant during Web Summit Rio can request a companion pass.

Where can I charge my medical or mobility device during the event?
Standard charging points are available throughout the venue.

Please note: The voltage requirements in Rio may be different from what you normally use for your device. Web Summit Rio does not provide extension leads or adapters.

If I need to get dropped off or picked up, is there a safe place for this close to the venue?
Yes, attendees can be picked up or dropped off at the designated drop-off area. The location will be shown on the venue map when it is published, and will be signposted onsite.

Is accessible parking available at Web Summit Rio?
There is a public car park at Riocentro with designated parking for visitors with specific requirements. Accessible parking is provided on a complimentary basis when it has been requested in advance using the accessibility requirements form. We may be unable to offer accessible parking if the request is made after March 15, 2024.

Are there wheelchair-accessible bathrooms at Web Summit Rio?
Yes, wheelchair-accessible bathrooms are available across the venue. The locations will be shown on the venue map when it is published.

I have a severe food allergy and/or dietary restriction. Does Web Summit Rio cater for attendees with dietary restrictions?
We have tried to ensure that there are suitable food options available for all attendees, and we have worked with the venue to accommodate many dietary requirements. However, as with any large catering space, there is a risk of cross-contamination.

If you have a severe food allergy and/or dietary restriction, you are welcome to bring your own food to Web Summit Rio.

Is Web Summit Rio a fragrance-free environment?
Web Summit Rio is not a fragrance-free environment. However, we ask all attendees to consider not using perfume, cologne, aftershave or other fragrances for the duration of the event.

The chemicals used in scented products can make people sick, especially those with fragrance sensitivities, asthma and/or allergies, and those who suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity.

Is there a quiet/sensory-friendly or prayer space at Web Summit Rio?
There is a sensory-friendly area at Web Summit Rio for attendees who require a temporary calm environment. The location will be shown on the venue map when it is published.

Não tenho certeza se entendi corretamente, um vez que as informações estão em inglês. Posso entrar em contato se eu ainda tiver dúvidas sobre algo desta página?
Web Summit Rio é um evento de língua inglesa. Se você tem alguma dúvida sobre um ponto específico nesta página de acessibilidade e deseja esclarecimentos em português, contate-nos pelo email usando a referência “accessibility”.